A Message from our CEO
Torbjorn Lööf, CEO and Partner at Fortos, is looking forward to a great year ahead, where Fortos continues to be the only player in the Management Consulting industry that deliberately focus on serving the Automotive & Mobility industry.
“We understand that the industry is dramatically changing, triggered by the accelerated rise of new technologies, sustainability policies, and changing customer preferences around ownership. Digitization, increasing automation, and new business models have revolutionized other industries, and the Automotive & Mobility industry will be no exception. After more than 25 years in the Management Consulting industry, including experience from several different Management Consulting firms as well as from a client/buyer perspective, I proudly conclude that we have created a unique Management Consulting modus operandi at Fortos."
"I’m extremely proud to conclude that our consultant’s expertise is unique and highly regarded by our clients. We score exceptionally high on our industry depth combined with pragmatism to execute. Our culture is professional, inclusive, and entrepreneurial. Everyone is involved in the continuous development of our business and operations. We combine hard work with personal development, and not least we have a lot of fun together."
"I’m extremely proud of our colleagues, our clients, and the results we achieve together.”